Most Common Website Mistakes

Having a website is now become a top priority in this age, online presence is much valuable lead generation tool if its everything done right. Here we going through some flaws repeatedly happen but easily avoidable during the website development process.

Copying content from competitor website or similar practices.

This would seriously don’t help your business at any point but it brings you much harm while it comes to SEO and in various other aspects. Each business are different in some ways  and catering to a different target group and a business’s mission and vision defines its strategy and approach to potential customers.
Hire someone who is fully capable of creating content from scratch and present your company in easy words without much jargon and fancy offering.

Missing  Call to Action

Call to action ( CTA) is really important when it comes to conversion, conversions are much likely to happen when there is a targeted CTA in the page. Don’t assume customers will drill down to your contact pages and turn to leads.  CTA usually works better in above fold position in the page.

Stock Photos

We all may have seen a number of stock photos in one or few website at the same time, those of the cheesy customer executives, business persons or landmark buildings and so on. Things has been changed and its better to shoot it your own or limit stock images and only use it once adapted into your colors and style.

Using Outdated Technologies

Remember those flash intros comes with a loading meter, lost fans and finally you could meet in a few outdated websites and if you still fancy those things should think of html 5 animations. Iframes, popups, sliders are in the outdated list.

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